16 tips to promote your history group website

As we are constantly looking for and linking to websites of historical interest we have listed below 16 tips for history societies to use to help promote themselves to the wider community.


Keep your website up to date

If your site is out of date or it looks as though it is not maintained, visitors may think your group is inactive. They are unlikely to consider becoming members or support you if they think the group has disbanded. If you can't keep your pages up to date consider making a Facebook page for news and interaction and just put generic information on your site.


Check for broken links

Check the links you have to external sites regularly to make sure they are not broken and that they're still relevant. Don't rely on your visitors to tell you if a link is wrong or broken - they won't. Always make links to external pages open in a new browser tab or new window so that your visitor stays with your site.


Put your physical address on your website

If you have a physical location that's open to visitors, state the full address clearly including the State and Postcode. These days many people use online mapping or GPS to find locations and these are usually dependent on the device being provided with at least a street name, city and state.

One of the oddest addresses we've seen goes something like this:

"Our office is located in the Library building. Go in to the library, past the information desk and then turn right. Walk another few metres and you will find us through the first door on the right."

While specific directions are great also remember to provide the actual address as a separate item.

Also, avoid putting something like "2 Smith St, (next to the old Bakery, turn right at the courthouse), Smithfield". People are quite capable of finding you if they have the actual address.