A collection of links related to Australian history. Some include online databases for things such as biographies and libraries.
- Archives - Queensland State Archives is the storage place of numerous records for Queensland government and Queensland government agencies. Access is provided to numerous online indexes including assisted immigration, inquests, divorces, probate and much more.
- Picture Queensland - historical and contemporary images from urban, regional and rural Queensland.
- Queensland place names - entries provide the geographical location and origin of the place name
- Text Queensland - A searchable database of books, theses and journals and includes Pugh's Almanac and the Queensland Government Gazette 1959-1900
- Image Queensland - enables users to search and view digital images of various public records from the collection at Queensland State Archives e.g. photographs, documents, maps and plans.
New South Wales
- Public Record Office Victoria - The online indexes and records on this site provide access to helpful genealogical information. These include assisted and unassisted immigration, departing passengers, probate, education, divorce, publicans and criminals. Some records have been digitised. State Library of Queensland holds many of the immigration records indexed in these databases.
- Victoria Government Gazette, Online Archive 1836-1997 - digital images of the New South Wales Government Gazette (1836-1851), the Port Phillip Government Gazette (1843-1851) and the Victoria Government Gazette (1851-1997); as well as searchable indexes for each gazette.
- Records of the Royal Melbourne Zoological Gardens and Related Organisations, 1857-1991
- International Exhibition Melbourne Photograph Albums, 1888
- Inward Correspondence, Superintendent of Port Phillip, 1839-1851
- La Trobe Confidential Correspondence, 1842-1843
- Correspondence Book of Assistant to Inspector of Fisheries, Port Fairy (including Fishing Licences and Boat Registrations)
- Duplicated Returns And Requisitions (Police Magistrate Port Phillip District) 1836-1839
- Subject Index to Town Clerks Correspondence Files, City of Melbourne, 1913-1983
- Outward Letter Books, Police Magistrate, Port Phillip District (1836-1840)
- Public Transport Corporation Photographic Collection Railway Negatives
- Photographic Negatives [1956 Melbourne Olympics Photographic Collection]
Indigenous Australian Heritage
- Aboriginal mission stations and reserves
- Aboriginal Victorians family history
- Board for the Protection of Aborigines correspondence
- Chief Protector of Aborigines records (1839-1851)
- Koorie index of names (1839-1946)
- Native Police Corps, Narre Warren
- Superintendent correspondence, Aboriginal affairs
Western Australia
South Australia
- Church photos in South Australia
- The Manning Index of South Australian History The Index contains many thousands of references to South Australian newspaper and magazine stories for the years 1837 to 1937. It also includes extensive selected text from the indexed publications, other primary and secondary sources and numerous extracts from Mr Manning's own writings.
- Tasmania
Northern Territory
- The Nothern Territory Department of Arts and Museums is responsible for the Northern Territory Archives.